Very soon she started to feel the pressure of the wolf. She explained him that sometimes she can't control all that happens. But the morning flew by, in silence, and feeling the little stitches in her skin.
Today Caperucita was late for her appointment with grandma. It wasn't her fault. Sometimes when you really need to get somewhere soon, strange forces conspire and cause you to be late. Shrek is nice, weird, but nice. She thinks that she would probably not have been late if she had use the her word power when she thought it necessary, but someone stopped her and she didn´t fix things as she thought.
Caperucita didn't have a good lunch.
It's been quite some time since Caperucita didn't cry for someone. Today, two tears came out of her eyes. No not two, three.
Caperucita is happy, after all she´s defying gravity, she can pay the rent.......she knows that soon she´ll be in the the heights...